shares the GURU'S WISDOM

AUM guru brahma guru visnur guru devo mahesvarah guru sāk sat param brahma tasmai sri gurave namah
AUM santih santih santih...
...What is that AUM? AUM guru. AUM is guru. What does that mean? Guru. Two sounds: gu and ru. Gu. means darkness. Ru means dispelling, shattering or removing. From this it is evident – guru means the experiencing of your darkness being removed. Light and knowledge. Darkness and ignorance. Removal of darkness only means removal of ignorance. Teachers remove certain kinds of darkness of a relativistic type, so conventionally a guru is spoken of as a teacher. That is not perfectly right, although that meaning is also possible. Guru means the total negation of negativity. If light is the bringer of happiness, darkness brings misery. As far as we are concerned, as people living in this world, we value our happiness, and nobody wants unhappiness. If we turn to light, to a source of wisdom, it is to dispel our misery, to dispel our darkness. So when we say AUM guru, we mean that which is permeating all forms of consciousness, the unconscious and the transcendent. We think of that consciousness as a dispeller of our misery, a dispeller of our darkness, our ignorance, our nescience. So this is the meaning of the two words, AUM guru....
A group of disciples from the West Coast of the US have dedicated ourselves to collecting as much of Guru Nitya’s legacy as possible for open access to all. This will be a gradual process. Additional links are provided in the “More” section.
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